Cómo cambiar el sillín de la bicicleta en sencillos pasos

Have you bought a new saddle and don't have time to go to the store to have it fitted? No problem! In this article we explain how to do it at home in a few simple steps. Take note!


The first step before changing the bicycle seat is to write down the measurements to which we have the current saddle installed, especially these three: height, setback and horizontality.

  • Height: To measure the height We will take the middle of our saddle as a reference, as it will be our starting point. Once we have the measurement, we write it down in a notebook or in the mobile notes blog, to later trace it.
  • Recoil: Next, we will write down the recoil. Although it is generally calculated by measuring from the tip of the saddle to the center of the handlebars, the best way to change our saddle is to take the middle of the saddle to the center of the handlebars as a reference.
  • Horizontality: When we talk about horizontality We refer to the inclination of our saddle. To do this, we will use a level or one of the mobile applications that measure inclination. Thus, we will write down the resulting grades in our notes blog to trace them later.


Once we have noted the height, setback and horizontal measurements of our current saddle, it is time to proceed with the change. To do this, with an Allen wrench, we will release the saddle from the nut and extract it. Subsequently, we will place the new saddle in such a way that the rails are inserted in the holes of the nut, although without fully tightening it to be able to adjust the measurements.


Once placed, we will try to copy the measurements that we have noted in our blog notes, starting with the height and the setback, until finishing with the horizontality. And finally, we will finish tightening the screws.


If your rails are carbon, It is advisable to use special grease to avoid damage.


Before finalizing the change, it is advisable to check that the measurements we have copied are correct, so we will measure the height, he recoil and the horizontality to which we have placed the new saddle and see if they correspond to the ones we have pointed out.


YesIf so, our work is done! If not, it will be necessary to adjust those measurements that are not correct. And, if you are still not sure how to do it, you can look this GCN video where they explain it in more detail.

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