Ciclistas rodando en carretera

Surely you have ever wondered What is the height at which you should place the saddle on your bicycle?. A fundamental adjustment, since a bad position can cause discomfort or injury. In this article we clear up all your doubts!


The saddle is one of the three points of support that the cyclist has with the bicycle and, therefore, placing it properly not only prevents ailments, but also allows us to pedal more efficiently and thus obtain our maximum performance. Although The recommendation is always to go to a biomechanist, If you follow these steps you can do it yourself at home.


The initial step is measure crotch, for which we will need to stand barefoot in front of a wall that we will lean against. The heels should touch the wall and with a book between the legs, exactly at the top (perineum area), we measure with a tape measure the centimeters from the floor to the book.


Once we have the measurement, we must multiply it by 0.88 and the result will be the centimeters that we must transfer to the bicycle. To do this, we will measure from the bottom bracket axle to the saddle and, once we have it adjusted, let's test that we can pedal comfortably.

La entrepierna, distancia entre perineo y pies


To check the recoil of the saddle we must use a pendulum or lead. From the tip of the saddle, we throw the pendulum down and, then, We calculate the distance between this and the bottom bracket axis. Generally, the usual setback measurements are listed in the following table:

Medidas para el retroceso del sillín


It is also important use the right power. To do this, we need to know the distance between saddle and handlebar. To do this, we will measure from the tip of the saddle to the axis of the handlebar, taking into account the following reference table:

Tabla de referencia para la distancia sillín-manillar
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